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land waters中文是什么意思

用"land waters"造句"land waters"怎么读"land waters" in a sentence


  • 沿岸冰面开裂水域


  • B757 - 200 land water emergency evacuation training cabin
    B757 - 200飞机水陆紧急撤离训练舱
  • Design and study on a 60t multifunction landing water tanker
  • B737 b757 land water emergency evacuation training cabin transformation
    B737 b757水陆紧急撤离训练舱改造:
  • Restrict factors and countermeasure for dry land water saving farming in shaanxi
  • Includes a news magazine plus guides and links to information on livestock , biotechnology , land water development , crop production , plant protection , agricultural support systems
  • Lake tahoe on the california border , lake mead ( formed on the arizona frontier by huge hoover dam ) , pyramid lake and other in land waters offer excellent boating and fishing
  • For this reason , our objective is the research of the mechanism of runoff generation and characteristics of moisture changing process of slope farming purple soil , accordding to the theory of hydrology and the intergrated - means of compined the hydrology with the peodology , because it is the basis of the studies : soil erosion and protection , farming - land water balance , non - point pollute , etc . , and the direction gist of runoff arrange implement , solving water hazard and management of irrigation and fertilizer
用"land waters"造句  
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